Patient E-Greetings


To locate or speak to a patient, please call 817-702-3431.


Before you begin, please read the following important information:

  • Greetings received Monday through Friday before 2 p.m. will be delivered the same day.
  • Greetings received after 2 p.m. will be delivered the next day.
  • Greetings received after 2 p.m. on Friday, or all day Saturday, Sunday, or on holidays, will be delivered the next business day.
  • Greetings received after the patient's discharge will not be delivered and will be destroyed.
  • Delivery of this greeting cannot be guaranteed.
  • Acceptance of a greeting by this website does not mean that the intended recipient is currently or was previously a patient of this hospital.
  • Federal and state laws may prevent the delivery of some greetings.
  • Private patient health information should not be included in the greeting.
  • The patient e-greeting service can only accept incoming greetings. Outgoing greetings cannot be sent through this service.


Patient E-Greeting